Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Well......Change of Plans

Sike! During the planning of a project as big as this one, it requires a both going forward and backwards. Sometimes things go right; other times things just don't work out. What do you do when the latter happens? Well, you find a way around the problem and use the solution to the best of your advantage.

Having already offered the job to Megan, I soon realized that there was no vialble way that we could schedule around to filming. To keep on schedule with the timeline, I need to record by this weekend in order to have the first half of next week to record and edit while the second half to revise and make any small changes necessary. 

As it turns out, Megan had to work all the way up to Friday because she was taking the whole weekend off to go camping. Although I was excited for her to go camping, I was slightly disappointed to lose my main actress since she was going to be out of town and I have to film by Monday of next week. 

So, in order to move along with the schedule, I decided to ask my best friend, Laerke, if she would be willing to play the part. I was very relunctant from the very beginning to ask her to be in any part of my film because she is working on her own film with her group and I didn't want to take her attention away from her own production. Laerke was always a possibility for my actress. She is a very charismatic person who can show the emotion that has great control over her emotions, which is something I definitely need. Still, from the beginning of this project, she told me to not even consider her because she didn't think she would have enough time to do both. Although it was hard to keep my best friend out of mind for a chracter I knew she could play, once it was obvious that Megan would not be able to do the film, I just had to ask, even if the answer was no. 

I texted Laerke today to ask her if she would be willing to be in my film; I wanted to record on Sunday afternoon in order to have all footage by Monday. Surprisingly enough, when I texted Laerke, she told me that she would love to be in my film opening! She didn't have anything planned for Sunday afternoon and she would be able to come and record the video with me.

I'm glad that this change came so early in the filming process and not the night before or the day of. It's just so surreal to think that a mere few months ago, this project was an idea, a simple jumble of thoughts from which a film opening would've never actually sprouted from. In a week from now, I'm going to have all of the footage done; in a week from now, the collaborative part ends and the rest of the schedule and editing is on me. Up to this point, I'm still depending on friends and family to be ready to film and to allow me to film. Next week, how everything goes down is up to me and only me. Keeping this in mind, I'm terrified of what comes next, yet the fear is mixed with excitement.

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